Course description

This course deals with basic science related to climate change and impact of climate change on environment, society and economy. It also provides the possible solutions to combat environmental impact of climate change on Earth by introducing and implementing various technologies as adaptation and mitigation measures.


  • The course will apply basic principles of physics and chemistry to analyze and quantify theenvironmental impacts of energy use.
  • Environmental impacts and climate change will be studied at three levels: local, regional, and global.
  • Technological options for adaptations and mitigation will be studied to combat the global warming.
  • Global and national policy on climate change will be discussed to reduce the greenhouse gas effect on planet.

Materials :

  1. MSESSD Elective I Climate change and its Impact on Energy Sector
  2. e Books
    1. METEO 469 From Meteorology to Mitigation Understanding Global Warming
      1. Lesson 1- Introduction
      2. Lesson 2-Climate_Obs_1
      3. Lesson 3- Climate_Obs_2
      4. Lesson 4-Modeling_1
      5. Lesson 5-Modeling_2
      6. Lesson 6-Carbon_Scen
      7. Lesson 7-Projected_CC_1
      8. Lesson 8-Projected_CC_2
      9. METEO469_Course_Outline
    3. climate_indicators_2016
    4. ebooksclub.org__Global_Warming__The_Complete_Briefing__4th_Edition
    5. Energy and climate
  3. BBA Lecture Notes
    1. Lecture 1 – Introduction
    2. Lecture 2 – Greenhouse gas effect
    3. Lecture 3 – Earth surface temperature calculation
    4. Lecture 4 – Greenhouse gases
    5. Lecture 5 – Methane and other GHG emissions
    6. Lecture 6 – GHG calculations
    7. Lecture 7 – El Nino & THC
    8. Lecture 8 – Impacts of climate change 1
    9. Lecture 9 – Impacts of climate change 2
    10. Lecture 10 – Impacts of climate change 3
    11. Lecture 11 – Impacts of climate change 4
    12. Lecture 12 – Adaptation and mitigation
    13. Lecture 13 – Adaptation-mitigation in Nepal
  4. Annexes – E copy
    1. Annex I Guest lecture on Climate Change
    2. Annex II Sample project reports
      1. Energy use and Climate change_Akansha and Prerana
      3. Infrastructure and building
    3. Annex III Climate Change Policy of Nepal
    4. Annex IV Field visit report on Chnadragiri Hills Pvt Ltd